
The Tenacious Tree Huggers - Preview

'The tenacious tree huggers' opens Wednesday 20 April 2011 at 18h00, Whatiftheworld Gallery - Cape Town. 

'The tenacious tree huggers, portray a cast of awkward characters and their relationships to their personal environments. The paintings are character sketches of individuals struggling against the unpredictable ways of nature. These imagined people are not only confounded by the shifting occurrences within their environments, they are also troubled by their own individual natures. Through facial expressions and the powerful language of physical exaggeration, the portraits express misguided ideas around environmental ‘friendliness’, feelings of irresponsibility, indifference toward a changing world, and the concept of ageing.'

A retired priestess (Michael Taylor 2011, 120x81cm)
A retired priestess (Michael Taylor 2011, 120x81cm)